conditions of use
By clicking electronically in the box "I have read and accepted the terms of use", you agree and undertake to abide by the following terms and conditions.
In accordance with Article 31 of the Regulation (CE) 1907/2006:
- A safety data sheet shall be provided free of charge on paper or by email, no later than the date on which the substance or mixture is supplied for the first time.
-Suppliers must update this sheet without delay in the following cases:
either as soon as new information becomes available that could affect risk management methods or new information concerning dangers.
when an authorisation has been granted or rejected
when a restriction is imposed.
-The new dated version of the information, marked as "Revision: (date)", shall be provided free of charge on paper or by email to all recipients prior to those who have been supplied with the substance or the mixture in the 12 preceding months. Subsequent updates to the record shall be assigned a record number.
Our company KiiltoClean Group shall use electronic means for management of the safety data sheet in order to duly comply with Article 31 of the Regulation (CE) 1907/2006 with regards to the issue of documentation affecting your company (User).
In light of the above, the following conditions must be considered:
- The safety data sheets shall be supplied in PDF format.
- Notifications shall be sent via email to the email address specified by (User). This notification shall include a direct download link for each of the safety data sheets provided.
-KiiltoClean Groupshall provide access to a specialised website for safety data sheet management where the latest versions of the safety data sheets can be found for the products consumed by (User), separated into safety data sheets that have already been downloaded and
-When The corresponding safety data sheet is accessed via The download link, The date and time of The download as well as The product associated with The downloaded safety data sheet shall be recorded in our system. This constitutes an irrefutable fact.
In the event of not downloading the safety data sheets provided, our system shall send regular notifications to facilitate access to the documentation.
-Furthermore, the issue of notifications carried out by KiiltoClean Group to (User) such as confirmation of interest on behalf of KiiltoClean Group in due compliance with Article 31 of the Regulation (CE) 1907/2006.
-These records of issue and notification of safety data sheet download shall be presented before the appropriate authority as confirmation that your company (User) has received and is in possession of the safety data sheets provided by KiiltoClean Group
On behalf of KiiltoClean Group we agree to verify that the download links are duly updated and made available.
On behalf of de (User) you agree to verify that the contents of the safety data sheet is correct by sending an email to within less than 30 working days from the download date, stating any discrepancies. Otherwise, it shall be assumed that you accept the contents of the safety data sheet.
If you wish to exercise your rights of access, cancellation, rectification and / or opposition please contact KiiltoClean Group